Concrete Pump Safety Tips

Concrete pump safety is the primary and vital thing that the operator and crew should attach importance to. Recent years, the accident happens a lot on the construction worksite, which causes heavy trauma to both the workers and the projects. What can we do to avoid the unpredictable mistakes and falls will disturb the project …

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How Far Can Concrete Be Pumped?

When you place the concrete to the construction site, a concrete pump is a popular smart choice. It pumps the concrete easier, higher, and further than traditional ways. Then how far can concrete be pumped at maximum? Read the following content to get the answer. How Far Can a Concrete Pump Boom Truck Reach? Concrete …

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What Kind of Pump Is Used for Concrete?

The concrete pump is an important construction machine to deliver the ready mixed cement to the targeted place. However, what kind of pump is used for concrete? And why choose it? Generally, pumping equipment can be divided into 4 categories: concrete trailer pumps, concrete mixer pumps, truck-mounted concrete pumps, and concrete boom pumps. Static concrete …

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Concrete vs Asphalt

Concrete vs asphalt, who is the winner? Concrete and asphalt are two kinds of common construction materials. What are their different characteristics? What are their advantages? Understanding the differences between them will facilitate us to make the reasonable material choices for different construction projects. Suitable materials lead us to perfect construction results. To compare concrete …

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What Is the Difference Between Mortar and Concrete?

Concrete and mortar are the necessary construction material and elements. Some people may find it is not easy to use them properly. Sometimes they blend them together as chaos mixtures and find it is hard to form a flat surface. So what is the difference between mortar and concrete? Mortar Mortar is a composite of …

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How Much Is a Concrete Pump?

The concrete pump machine now is important and necessary to complete construction projects, saving time and money as much as it can. Then how much is a concrete pump? Buying a concrete pump is an investment and you need to estimate the budget, therefore getting to know the price of renting and buying a concrete …

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How Does a Concrete Pump Work

What is the better solution for construction? The answer is the concrete pump. The concrete pump is a popular concrete conveying machine to transport and place mixed concrete at the construction site. But how does a concrete pump work to promote work efficiency? It is necessary for the operator to figure out the work principles …

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What Is Concrete Pump

What Is Concrete Pump? A concrete pump is a pump machine that delivers ready mixed concrete to constructions sites. It conveys and pumps liquid concrete fast and quickly through pipelines or placing booms. Concrete pumping is the necessary process of delivering liquid concrete to the site location. Many constructions project involve concrete displacement and infusion. …

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Concrete Pump Hopper

Concrete pump hopper, also called as concrete bucket or concrete chut of a concrete pump machine, is an irreplacable component of the whole concrete pump system. It plays a crucial role in deliverying concrete to needed place on site. This article shows you the concrete hopper commonly used in hot-selling LUTON concrete pump products. Know …

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Largest Concrete Pumping Companies

Largest concrete pumping companies around the world with large scale, high production volume, the most advanced design concepts and manufacturing technology. What are they? Here is the list. SANY Founded in 1989, SANY is the largest concrete pump equipment manufacturing company around the world, providing various perfect concrete pumping solutions for all kinds of construction …

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